With one day left before Election Day, I figured I needed to write something. On Tuesday millions of Americans will enter the polls and change the course of this country. Will you be one of them? I hope so.
I implore all of you as Americans to go vote. It is your duty as a citizen to do so. Remember that people died to give you that right. Don’t dishonor them with apathy. However, there is one question I have to ask: Do you know why you’re voting for who you’re voting for?
I have run across countless examples of people over the recent Presidential campaigns that, in the end, really have no clear reason why they support their candidate. I hear some say how great Obama is and then can’t tell me one thing he’s done for the country other than they think he’s cool. I hear people say Romney is the guy to elect and then tell me it’s just because Obama is bad. Why? What have you heard or learned to bring you to this vote?
Look, no matter how much I disagree with your choice, I promise you that I will never tell you who to vote for. Ever. I won’t insult the people who died for that right by telling you what to do with their sacrifice. I will, however, demand that you take the time to learn about the candidates and where they stand. Otherwise you’re just wasting your vote and I find it an insult to those who died for it. It is our responsibility as citizens to put honest and trustworthy people in office to lead and defend our country. So do your homework.
If you decide that Obama can lead this country to prosperity. That he can fix unemployment and defend our people and the Constitution, then vote for him. If you believe Romney will defend us from foreign attack, fix the economy and get us on the right heading, then vote for him. You should vote for whoever best represents your political stance, regardless of what others try to tell you to do. But, do your homework.
Now, on to the election itself.
I really don’t have the time between now and the election to get out as much info as I would like. The outcome will determine what course future posts will take. However, I believe this election will decide the path our nation will take in the coming years. It will show which direction the people of this country choose to go. We can either plunge forward without regard for our heritage and where we came from and put our hope in the caretaking ability and authority of the state. Or we can take a step back, see where we came from and use our history to build a better future.
I say this in earnest. Be careful how you vote Tuesday. It will decide the fate of our nation. Know why you are voting. Know who you are voting for. Don’t rely on the main-stream media, they have an agenda. Get the facts and dig. Do your duty and do your homework. May we turn to God in the days ahead and ask his guidance to do what is right.
Thank you for reading. God bless all of you. And God bless the United States of America.
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