Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Trouble in Egypt

Egypt is once again suffering under a single man who would hold an exceeding amount of power in his hands. Last week Muslim Brotherhood President of Egypt Mohammed Morsi took some serious steps towards authoritarianism which, personally, should not come as a shock to anyone that is actually paying attention.
Morsi issued constitutional amendments that put him above judicial oversight, making his actions somewhat untouchable. He also granted immunity from court decrees to the Islamist-dominated group that is creating a new constitution. He also made it so any of his decisions since taking office cannot be appealed in court. And he ordered a retrial of former President Mubarak for the killing of protesters. Incidentally, this is the guy getting compliments from Obama and Clinton on his handling of the current crisis between Gaza and Israel.
So he’s solidifying his position as ruler of Egypt. In an interesting twist, his decision for a retrial won’t affect any law enforcement personnel involved in the murders of protesters. What affect will this have? It could gain Morsi the loyalty of the police, who is currently not in the good graces of the people. This too will strengthen his power base.
The reason I bring up this one current event out of all that is going on is this: we as a country and the Western World need to recognize the threat of the Muslim Brotherhood. I assure you, readers, they are a threat. While there are people in Egypt that are not ready to stand for another dictator, he is strengthening his position against such movements. That means the Muslim Brotherhood has the control of a powerful nation in the Middle East.
The ultimate goal of the Brotherhood is the reestablishment of the Caliphate. For those of you who may not know what that is, the Caliphate is a unified empire under the rule of a Mulsim leader that is under strict Sharia Law. The Caliphate ended in 1924 when the Ottoman Empire was defeated during World War I. Since that time there have been multiple movements and attempts to reestablish it. They have, evidently, failed so far. But the Muslim Brotherhood is far larger and more powerful than most people realize. 
The Brotherhood has offices or front groups in over eighteen countries including the U.S. and the U.K. They have people positioned in multiple levels of these countries socially, politically and economically. They won a huge advantage in Egypt with the election of Mohammed Morsi. We even sent Marines to Jordan due to the Brotherhood stirring up dissent against the king there.
Now while our government’s current administration and the main-stream media would have you think that they are in no way a threat let alone a powerful organization, I would caution you otherwise. I encourage you to watch this movie. It outlines “The Project”. That is, a world-wide effort to reinstate the Caliphate and unite the Middle East under one Islamic government (this is, admittedly, bigger than the Brotherhood alone). Yes, ithe movie is an hour and a half long, but check it out. Watch it in bits if you have to. I know this has kind of a tinfoil hat feel to it, but I urge you to look into it yourselves. This power grab by Morsi, I feel, really shows the game plan of the Brotherhood and what they intend for the future of not only Egypt but the entire Middle East if they have their way. I know he just helped arrange a cease-fire between Gaza and Israel, but I haven’t yet heard a good explanation about why rockets were fired from Egypt into Israel. Keep that one in mind too folks.
To sum everything up, the Muslim Brotherhood is huge. They have an agenda and have been implementing it for years all over the globe. They have a man at the helm of a major player in the Middle East and he just pulled a ton of chips into his corner of the table. I put some links below to help to research what I’m talking about. As always, don’t take my word for it. I want everyone out there to take the time to look into this stuff for yourselves. It’s up to us to dig for the facts and make our voices heard.
Thank you for reading. God bless all of you and God bless the United States of America.

Thursday, November 15, 2012


There has been a lot of hype about the citizens of more than thirty states petitioning the government for secession from the Union. I think we need to talk about this.
First things first I’ll give my personal opinion about secession. I do think the States of the Union have the right to secede. I know that the Courts have had previous cases disputing that, (see Texas v White). In spite of this the Declaration of Independence outlines the formula for liberty for men. That when a government instituted among men becomes destructive towards those it is intended to serve it is the right and duty of the people to dissolve that government or, as displayed in the first paragraph of the Declaration, to dissolve the political bands which have connected them. The States came together and I see no reason why they cannot leave in like fashion.
Now, also drawing upon the Declaration, the reasons for secession should not be due to “light and transient causes”. King George was a tyrant and the constant rebuffs by his government as well as the institution of laws on a people without a voice for decades eventually led to one course: independence. In the end there was no other way. Fast forward a few years. Obama was re-elected. While I am disappointed to say the least about it, this is not reason for secession. Now, should he cut out the Second Amendment and make it rain with Constitution-destroying Executive Orders then by all means we need to do something along those lines.
But in the wake of the election there will be many ways in which people will try to make their voices heard. And that is a good thing. We as Americans have the right to speak our minds and we should. But there are intelligent and less so ways of going about it. Petition for secession probably falls towards the latter of the two.
I, like millions of Americans, am totally dissatisfied with the way Barack Obama has handled just about everything. I have spoken out about this verbally as well as starting this blog. I will continue to inform and educate in this manner as well as defend our liberty. Others have joined activist groups and posted signs. Some donate money to organizations and others make phone calls. But what is the one thing in common with all of these? Those people expressed no desire to leave the U.S.
I would not leave my country for anything. I love America and would defend her to the last if need be. I also understand that a good many of the people who signed the petitions for secession really have no desire to actually secede but are doing so to make a bold statement and that’s fine. But much like the hippies protesting war in the 60’s and 70’s, no one in the government is really going to take them seriously. I think a true petition of the Government for a redress of grievances, (see 1st Amendment of the U.S. Constitution), would be a far bolder statement.
Imagine if as many people that signed those petitions, heck let’s go bigger, what if millions signed a petition of the Government over Obamacare, over-regulation, executive orders or any other number of things Obama has done. That would pick up a few people’s heads. Now would that make everything better? Of course not. Laws aren’t changed and governments made responsible over night. But, it is a start.
Imagine if we could even organize another Continental Congress. That would wake up a lot of people. To have representatives from all the States convene to discuss the role of our government. Truly that would be a show of patriotism and solidarity we haven’t seen since the formation of our country. Now don’t take that the wrong way. I’m not calling for revolution. Keep in mind, “light and transient causes”. Obamacare is no reason to march on Washington. I’m a pissed American but I’m not short-sighted.
The fact of the matter is this: We need to make our voices heard. We’ve let the government do whatever it’s wanted for the last seventy or so years. We let them pass the Patriot Act without some much as reading it. We let them sign the National Defense Authorization Act without protest. We let the TSA turn our airports into police states. Why? For security? I have to invoke the words of one of our Founders on this one. “They, who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.” That was Benjamin Franklin. Despite what a lot of people try to say their words are still applicable to this very day.
I know I got a little off topic from where I started this. But let’s sum it all up. We need to be heard and let the Government know we are not happy. A petition of secession is one way, but not the best. Get that many and more signatures on a petition sent straight to the White House, Congress and the Supreme Court and you’ll turn a few heads. The First Amendment is one of the most important and also one of our greatest weapons as citizens. We should use it more often.
Can the States secede?  Yes I think they can. Should the States secede? It better be for a really, really good reason. It took our Founders years before they made the final decision to leave. It was not an easy choice so we today should not make light of such an act.
Thank you for reading. God bless all of you and God bless the United States of America.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Thank You to Our Vets.

Happy Veterans Day to all.
Today we honor all those who have served this country. And from the bottom of my heart I sincerely thank every single man and woman who has served in our nation’s Armed Forces. I was brought up to honor our flag and respect those who defend it.
All my life I have always felt a deep connection to those who serve because I know that without them I wouldn’t be free. Without them America would not exist. Without them others around the world would have suffered or continued their bondage under tyranny. Our men and women of the United States Military are the best.
I have to agree with the sentiment of a proud American, Ted Nugent, when he said that the men and women who serve our nation are better than us. They are a whole different class of American citizen and deserve every bit of our respect. That is a fact.
So today tip your hat and lift your glass. Shake their hands and thank them. Buy them lunch or do whatever. Just let them know that you know and that you care. Let them know that Veterans Day isn’t just another day on the calendar. Give thanks to those who fight so the rest can live in peace. God bless the men and women of the United States Armed Forces.
Thank you for reading. God bless all of you and God bless the United States of America.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

The Die Has Been Cast

I once heard that actions speak louder than words. Apparently that does not apply to our past/current President Barack Obama. Despite what he has done and not done over the past four years, he was re-elected to the highest office in the land. Don’t get me wrong. Just because I disagree with those that voted doesn’t mean I didn’t want them to vote. If you read the last post you know how I feel about voting. Whether I agree or not in your choice of candidate thank you for voting. It is our duty to do so.
Now let’s talk about the next four years. I’ll be honest, I’m not optimistic. Now believe me when I say I do pray for Obama and hope he will lead this country well. But I have to look at history to figure where our future may be going. And based on the past the future doesn’t look good.
We, as a country, have decided to take a step down a path of bigger government and government intrusion. We have taken a step towards a more socialist government like those of European countries. You need only look at the news to see how well Europe is these days.
We have taken steps towards a country where the energy we have depended on for years is slowly being phased out, along with massive job loss in those areas, in favor of a renewable energy industry that can’t support us. Coal and oil suffer under Obama and his EPA despite his claims of helping them grow.
I have seen over the course of this campaign a classic tactic. If you say a lie loud enough and long enough people believe it as truth. Now I know Romney lied and fudged the truth too. They’re politicians and that’s what they do. I never said Romney was the perfect candidate because that person doesn’t exist. However, I was disappointed to see a President of the United States support ads and campaign tactics that were shameful at best and disgraceful of the office of President.
I am particularly upset with the media, who I believe has done more to help Obama win the election than any candidate in history. They have done so by refusing to properly vet him and dig into his past during the 2008 election. And then by praising him and continually omitting his blatant misuse of power and lies. Fox, of whom I’m not a fan, tried to but every other media outlet has painted them so badly no one left of center would consider tuning in.
Am I disappointed in the outcome of the election? Yes. But I consider this an opportunity for me and those who love the Constitution and this country to make our voices heard. I will never cease in defending liberty and teaching about the origins of this country. I encourage you to do the same.
Over the coming months I will be presenting a continuing series on Barack Obama. Since the main-stream won’t delve into Obama’s past associations and doings I will and bring the info straight to you. Now don’t worry. This blog isn’t going to turn into a non-stop Obama attack fest. I know that’s not what you want and I know that’s bad reporting and journalism. I will be posting plenty of stuff in between. But there will be an ongoing series about that.
So, if you voted, even for Obama, thank you. You did your country proud by making your voice heard. But the fight for the Constitution is really going to heat up over the next four years and we need to be there to defend it. I pray for the people of this country, its leaders and its future.
Thank you for reading. God bless you and God bless the United States of America.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Do Your Homework

With one day left before Election Day, I figured I needed to write something. On Tuesday millions of Americans will enter the polls and change the course of this country. Will you be one of them? I hope so.
I implore all of you as Americans to go vote. It is your duty as a citizen to do so. Remember that people died to give you that right. Don’t dishonor them with apathy. However, there is one question I have to ask: Do you know why you’re voting for who you’re voting for?
I have run across countless examples of people over the recent Presidential campaigns that, in the end, really have no clear reason why they support their candidate. I hear some say how great Obama is and then can’t tell me one thing he’s done for the country other than they think he’s cool. I hear people say Romney is the guy to elect and then tell me it’s just because Obama is bad. Why? What have you heard or learned to bring you to this vote?
Look, no matter how much I disagree with your choice, I promise you that I will never tell you who to vote for. Ever. I won’t insult the people who died for that right by telling you what to do with their sacrifice. I will, however, demand that you take the time to learn about the candidates and where they stand. Otherwise you’re just wasting your vote and I find it an insult to those who died for it. It is our responsibility as citizens to put honest and trustworthy people in office to lead and defend our country. So do your homework.
If you decide that Obama can lead this country to prosperity. That he can fix unemployment and defend our people and the Constitution, then vote for him. If you believe Romney will defend us from foreign attack, fix the economy and get us on the right heading, then vote for him. You should vote for whoever best represents your political stance, regardless of what others try to tell you to do. But, do your homework.
Now, on to the election itself.
I really don’t have the time between now and the election to get out as much info as I would like. The outcome will determine what course future posts will take. However, I believe this election will decide the path our nation will take in the coming years. It will show which direction the people of this country choose to go. We can either plunge forward without regard for our heritage and where we came from and put our hope in the caretaking ability and authority of the state. Or we can take a step back, see where we came from and use our history to build a better future.
I say this in earnest. Be careful how you vote Tuesday. It will decide the fate of our nation. Know why you are voting. Know who you are voting for. Don’t rely on the main-stream media, they have an agenda. Get the facts and dig. Do your duty and do your homework. May we turn to God in the days ahead and ask his guidance to do what is right.
Thank you for reading. God bless all of you. And God bless the United States of America.