Tuesday, October 30, 2012

What Happened in Benghazi?

On September 11, 2012 a terrorist attack was launched against the United States Consulate in Benghazi, Libya. Four Americans, (U.S Ambassador Christopher Stevens, U.S. Foreign Service Information Management Officer Sean Smith, and retired Navy SEALS Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty) were killed. Four Americans were killed. On American territory and nothing happened.
A lot of stuff has been thrown around since the attack. But you have to sift through it all to get as close to the facts as possible. So let’s try.
The attacks began at around 9:40 pm local time and lasted about seven hours, including a second attack on the CIA compound. Seven hours and no help came for these people except what was locally available (Libyan security and some CIA). Seven hours and no help?
Moving on, what sparked the attacks? For nearly two weeks our administration pushed the idea that it, and the protests occurring around the globe, was the result of an anti-Muslim video that had surfaced on YouTube. The facts surrounding that video: It had been out for months before the attacks, so it was not a spontaneous reaction to an inflammatory video. It’s the internet, new travels fast so there’s no way it took months to cross an ocean. Also, I think it should be evident by now that these so-called radicals don’t need a reason to kill us and hate us. They’ve been doing fine coming up with their own reasons.
Is it possible the attacks were planned? Well, Libyan President Mohammed Magarief seemed to think so. "It's a preplanned act of terrorism directed at American citizens. Reaction should have been, if it was genuine, should have been six months earlier. So it was postponed until the 11th of September. They chose this date, 11th of September, to carry a certain message." Those are his words five days after the attack. Our president took nearly two weeks to come out and say it was a terrorist attack, (in the Rose Garden speech everyone references he does not directly link the Benghazi attack with acts of terrorism).
Earlier this year, in May, Obama said Al Qaeda’s defeat was “within reach”. Well, it turns out that inside hours of the attack evidence surfaced that implicated Al Qaeda in the attacks. Two days after the attack officials from the FBI and the National Counterterrorism Center gave briefings on Capitol Hill confirming evidence pointed towards Al Qaeda’s involvement. With those in his own government and the leader of the country in which the attack took place saying it was preplanned why did it take so long for Obama to jump on board?
Let us also take a look at why practically no help came to those under attack. The attack began at 9:40 pm local time and ended shortly after a secondary attack on the CIA complex at around 2:00 am. That’s more than four hours and we pretty much sent no one to help them. Why? Did the President not know about it in time? According to the sources of retired Army Lt. Colonel Tony Shaffer, the entire White House knew it was happening and that they saw a live feed from a drone hat had been already over that area. It was 3:40 pm in the US when the attack started, the middle of the administrations work day, so they were awake for it. And the CIA made three, three, requests for assistance after the attack began. They were all denied and were ordered to “stand down”. Well, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty courageously defied those orders in order to help those trapped in the consulate and they paid with their lives.
Also, radical Islamic group Ansar al-Sharia used twitter to claim responsibility for the attack two hours after it began. That would place their Tweet in the middle of the attacks. In addition, 300 to 400 national security officials received emails about the attack as it was happening. And, there had been repeated requests in the weeks prior to the attack for increased security, all were denied. So yes, the White House knew and Americans are dead.
Maybe they couldn’t get help there in time? I will grant that it is possible that sending reinforcements may not have arrived in time to save those who were killed. But, not sending any help at all? Not really. The United States has the most powerful and technologically advanced military on the planet, hands down. It has also been revealed that due to our assets in the area we could have had fighters in the air in twenty minutes and troops on the ground in two hours. Where were they? I can’t really buy the excuse that we weren’t sure what was happening or that we couldn’t violate a nation’s sovereignty by sending in our military. If memory serves me, we did just that on May 6, 2011 when we flew into “allied” Pakistan and killed the most wanted man on the planet, Osama bin Laden. So there’s that.
But I think one of the worst things to come out of this entire mess is the reaction of our government’s administration. Instead of truly condemning the attackers, Obama and Clinton repeatedly apologized to the world. For what? A video? Look, I agree the video was out of taste and morally wrong to produce, but here’s the deal: that guy had every right to make that movie. This is America and we have the right to say whatever we want. Whatever we want. That being said, it doesn’t mean we have to like everything someone says. This being America we can also tell that person exactly what we think of him/her. But ALL speech must be protected otherwise any speech can be restricted or outlawed.
I once heard that the problem with freedom is freedom. You have to deal with the results. And you know what? I can. The soldiers of my country didn’t die to give certain citizens rights. They died to protect the rights of every American. So, whether you like that or not, there it is.
But let’s get back to our governments response to this act of terror. Our administration repeatedly blamed the attacks on a YouTube video and religious intolerance and basically apologized to murderers. Even if the video was to blame, there should be no apologies coming from our end when they were the ones murdering people. Jesus Christ and Yahweh are slandered every single day. I don’t see Jews strapping bombs to their chests or Christians attacking embassies. You need to be able to deal with slander. It can, does, and will happen.
Or we can look at the civilian end of the spectrum. There were people that actually claimed that the attacks could be blamed on the Republicans. I have heard people say they actually believed the video was made by Republicans to touch off this world-wide protest to destabilize Obama’s administration. Really? These same people accuse conservatives and Republicans of making this whole thing a political issue. My issue is that that is an insult to four dead Americans. Heck there were even people in this country who had never even heard of the attack. Want to guess who they’re voting for? (http://www.theblaze.com/stories/the-number-of-obama-supporters-who-have-never-heard-of-911-benghazi-attack-will-terrify-you/)
Let’s wrap this up. There’s a ton more info I could include here, like possible US Government gunrunning, but I want to keep this short.
To summarize: Four Americans are dead and that is inexcusable. Deadly force should have been authorized when an armed violent mob jumped the fence at the US Consulate. It is US territory and the attack should have been treated as an act of war. Unlike the our Cairo Embassy where our ambassador ordered the Marines not to carry live ammo. I still don’t get that one.
At the very moment the embassy made it known they were under attack, US reinforcements should have been dispatched immediately. Instead two retired Navy SEALS responded, against orders, and gave their lives in the process. Local Libyan forces also tried to help, and it was Libyan civilians that pulled Ambassador Stevens from the building and took him to a local hospital. For that I thank them for putting themselves in harm’s way.
And, our government apologized for an invented offense and did nothing to bring justice to those that murdered four Americans. They purposely misled the American people about the attack. That is unacceptable. The President should be held responsible for purposefully letting our guard down over politics. He should be held responsible for the deaths of Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods. He should not be leading a country that he feels the need to apologize for. But that decision is for us to make on November 6.
Thank you for reading. God bless you.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Be Prepared

Believe it or not, the first real post on this blog won’t have anything to do with politics. It is, however, a subject that I believe affects every American.
My place of work today was overrun by customers trying to prepare for the coming hurricane that will be traveling up the East Coast. There were several types of people there today; the calm, cool and collected individual who bought their items and left; the moderately paniced person who seemed to think the end of the world was near and therefore purchased a cart-load of perishable product; and there was the picky self important “you’re out of stock? I guess I’ll go elsewhere” people that really should get a grip on things.
That being said, what if “elsewhere” didn’t have what they were looking for? Or even worse, what if my business, “elsewhere” or the place up the road didn’t have anything? What if every place within driving distance had nothing on their shelves? Scary? It should be. That’s why I’m bringing it up. No one seems to be prepared in any way for even a relatively small disaster like a power outage.
In the prepper community we have a saying: “The country is nine meals from anarchy.” That’s because the average household has about three days worth of food in it. Even the grocery store follows this rule. Most stores carry about three days worth of stock. In a real disaster, (major hurricane, earthquake (since they happen here now), terrorist attack, etc), the shelves could be empty in hours. Hours. Are you going to be able to get there before the mob and stock up? If you get there in time will you be able to get anything through the mass of people scrambling to find food?
Nine meals from anarchy. Almost nothing brings mortality to the forefront of peoples minds faster than someone saying “there’s no more food.” When the food disappears people lose their minds. That has been seen in the slew of natural disasters this country has seen. So what can you do to be ready? Just do it.
I think every American should be self dependent, at least to some small degree. Being able to fend for yourself is not a bad thing. Waiting around to be saved only makes you vulnerable and dependent. And I personally don’t feel like hanging in a FEMA camp. I would suggest having at the very least a week’s worth of food and water for you and your family. If you can do more, then do it. I’m not saying dig a bunker in your bag yard and stock it with 50+ year shelf-life food. A little here and there adds up. Grab a few extra canned goods and some water whenever you shop, that’s what I do.
I say this because we, as Americans, are spoiled. I’ve read over the past few weeks how people were exploding because they couldn’t get a Pumpkin Latte at Starbucks. Are you serious? That’s what will destroy your life, lack of latte? I’d hate to be near that person when the cupboard finally empties. But seriously, I implore all of you to take some steps to make it through a disaster. You don’t only wear a seatbelt when you think you’re going to get in an accident. Don’t always assume that what you need is always going to be there. Get some food. Get some water. And yes, a gun and some ammo wouldn’t hurt either. Because, if you prepare, and others find out, they’ll come knocking. Then who will you feed, your children or everyone who didn’t have the forethought to be prepared?
Here are some useful links for getting ready for anything.

Monday, October 22, 2012


Hello everyone. Welcome to the ‘76er. This blog is about America’s past, present and possible future. About politics and its effects on our nation. About the people of this country, and their place in it. I’ll hopefully be updating this blog regularly (once or twice a week). This site will cover current events as well as singular topics, such as: Does the Two Party System really work, Separation of Church and State and America’s role in the world community. I’m excited to jump right in and hope that you, as readers, will take an active role in giving feedback as well as your opinion on the various subjects that’ll be covered.
I would like to point out, if you didn’t read the “About” section of this blog. I, the writer, am not hiding the fact that I am a conservative. I am very conservative, far right, and Christian. I say this out loud so I can’t be accused of putting a slant on a “fair and balanced” message and then acting like I don’t know what you’re talking about. This blog will be from my viewpoint; however I am one of those individuals that is “addicted to truth”. I’m not in the business of trying to sell my opinions. I will gladly give my opinion on any given matter. However, I do my utmost to present verifiable facts to you and those around me and then allow the listeners to draw their own conclusions. I by no means and through no stretch of the imagination think or claim to know everything about what I discuss or that I am always right. But I am passionate enough to learn as much as I can about the subject I talk about.
This blog will not be a site of debate. I’m not trying to avoid discussion or dialogue with you. I very much enjoy debating and a range of subjects and am not afraid to stand up for my position. However, I am a father with a full-time job, and this blog isn’t my life. It would take a huge amount of time I don’t have to dissect and discuss with all of you about every subject. I do value your opinion and ask that you leave feedback about the subjects and comment as much as you can.
Also, I am not a politically correct person. I believe the politically correct vibe in this time is destroying this country. I will not be rude, and nothing I say is done so out of hatred or with the intent of being insulting. However, I will probably say things that can and will upset people and possibly hurt, but they are not said TO hurt people. There’s a big difference there.
Most importantly, don’t take my word for it. Whatever I say or report, don’t take my word for it. Fact check it. If I’m wrong I want to know. I’m also a big believer in doing your own research. So get up and read and watch and learn for yourselves. I feel so many people these days either eat up what the main stream media shovels out or just think that their opinion with suffice as facts. I beg you, dig for the facts.
So, with all this being said I welcome you and thank you for your interest in this blog. I hope you all enjoy and please spread the word if you like it. Thank you all, and God bless you.
